About This Website

2016 brought some exciting new things for the Alabama Academy of General Dentistry, one of which was our new home on the internet.  Behind the scenes, we began the work on our new website back in late 2015.  For a while, it ran simultaneously alongside the old website until we felt it was developed enough to take over as the primary site.  As of May 2016, the old website is no longer publicly accessible, and navigating to www.alagd.org will automatically redirect visitors to www.alagd.com

We have moved to new platform which will allow us to gradually incorporate new features and present our information via an attractive, easy to read interface.  This website can be easily viewed on a computer, tablet, or mobile phone without any loss in legibility or functionality.

2017 brought even more exciting changes coinciding with the rebranding campaign developed by the national AGD headquarters.  Along with the parent organization, Alabama AGD received a new, modernized logo.  We began implementing this new logo in all our media and worked to adhere to the new fonts, colors, and styles set forth in the new branding guidelines.  This effort is still ongoing, but we are excited about the fresh new look that it has brought to our organization thus far.

Questions  |  Suggestions  |  Change Requests

If you have any requests for changes or corrections, we’d love to address them.  More importantly, if you have any suggestions for new content or functionality, we would love to hear them.  Just use the contact form below to send a message our way.

Derrick Mendez D.M.D.
Alabama AGD Webmaster & 2018 Constituent President